Monday, September 19, 2011

"A Vision of K-12 Students Today"

This video has got to be one of the most inspiring videos I have watched in a long time! I am learning more and more every day how unaware I truly am about the impacts the use of technology has on teaching and the classroom. I am taking those initial "baby steps" but I have already learned so much and I can only hope to continue learning more ways to improve the education of my future students. I especially liked how they used "signs" in this video to portray the messages they wanted to send. My personal favorite was the one where they said "Let me use the WWW, Whatever, Whenever, Wherever." I fee like a lot of us assume that these technological devices that our students use on a daily basis will inhibit learning. I say don't look at it as inhibiting, look at is a challenge. How can you use these devices that these students are so attuned with and use them in your own classroom to promote learning?

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

Great inspirational post!