Sunday, October 2, 2011

Social Networking Groups for Teachers?

I have discovered that there are social networking sites for teachers! Who knew?! I had always just considered social networking sites to be MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Blogs. I had always wondered how you could keep your professional life and your social life separate and this would appear to be a great alternative (a blog would be a good alternative as well). There is one social networking site that I think will be extremely useful to me in the field of teaching English as a Second Language because it focuses on that! This site is called EFL Classroom 2.0. I like hearing ideas from teachers in every concentration because I can use some of those ideas, but, other times I need to focus on things that are directed only at English Language Learners.

TANGENT: There is a video on YouTube by Alan Levine, called Alan Levine - New Media Consortium. There is a quote in here by Alan Levine that I absolutely love that says, "I think we need to just sort of put aside this notion that we can keep up (reference to 'keeping up with the times')." He also states, "More or less, when I don't know something I have a network of colleagues and people that I can put out my ignorance to and they responded help me out." I like these ideas because it relates back to my previous blog about connectivism. It is so important to connect with other people so that you can expand on your own knowledge based on the knowledge and expertise of others. It is also important to understand that technology is changing so much that it is nearly impossible to keep up with everything. This is a comforting idea because for the longest time I felt like I wasn't "keeping up with the times", however, I am learning a lot!

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

We will never be up to date on everything, but maybe enough people in our network will be current on many individual things!